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Home of the 1956 Little League World Series Champions

Home of the 1956 Little League World Series Champions

News Detail


Jan, 2023

Lions Hondo Little League- Newly elected Board of Directors for 2023

I would like to introduce you to your new Lions Hondo Little League, Board of Directors, for the 2023 season. They are as follows:

VP of League Operations- Richard Toscano
VP of Baseball Operations- Rudy Castillo
Secretary- Olivia Tucker
Treasurer- Jessica Tirado
Safety Compliance Officer- Mel Lincon
Player Agent- Shelby Morgan
Coaches Agent-Leeroy Prudencio
Umpire Liaison/Equipment Manager- James Tucker
LHLL President- Josh Torres

Members at Large:

Kristy Torres
Rebecca Toscano
Yvette Castillo
Veronica Young
Dominic Morgan
Joshua Torres Jr.
James Edwards
Robert Chavez

A HUGE Thank You to our dedicated volunteers. Most people do not understand how vital our volunteers are to the operation of our league. Without them, there would be no league. Additionally, contrary to popular belief, board members are NOT PAID or compensated in any way. They give their time, so our kids can have a positive extra curricular activity to participate in and enjoy. So before complaining or thinking something isn't being done to your expectations, ask a board member how you can join the team and help implement better ideas.  

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